Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Presenting and showing work at the Art In Response to Violence conference at NEIU

Laura Kina, Cane Fire, oil on canvas, 30x45 in., 2010
I will have several works from my Sugar series (2010-present) on display at the Art in Response to Violence (ARV) Conference at North Eastern Illinois University October 18-19, 2012.
Northeastern Illinois University
Student Union Building
5500 N St. Louis Ave
Chicago, IL 60625

Register for the conference:

Join me on Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:00-6:45pm for a reception followed by a 7:00pm Gallery Walk, Led by Mark McKernin, Chair Art Dept, NEIU

I will also be presenting on Friday, October 19, 2012
11:15-12:15 Okinawan Blues: Painting Hawaiian Plantation Picture Brides
Laura Kina artist talk
Chair: Saba Ayman-Nolley, Psych Dept Chair, NEIU
Location: Golden Eagles
Join us for this interdisciplinary conference that will reflect on ways that visual art and art making express, communicate, and document violence in its many forms. Through art exhibits, paper presentations, and workshops, participants will address the influences and effects of visual art to address violence.

This two-day conference is open to professionals and students across disciplines and practice. From the opening ceremony, which welcomes all and acknowledges the lands and peoples affected by violence, to the closing session, there will be time for interaction and reflection. Visual art and art making can lead to peaceful solutions. The 3rd Annual Art in Response to Violence Conference continues the tradition of providing learning opportunities for all who attend.

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